When Christmas Sucks!

A love letter for you this Christmas in case Christmas is less than fun.

Part of me wants to wish you all a very merry Christmas and wonderful festive season – filled with lots of fun, laughter, joy, feasting and all the other goodness your heart desires. And part of me needs to acknowledge that Christmas isn’t always like this.

Sometimes it isn’t easy. Sometimes it is hard and it can really suck!

Then here is my present to you:

And this gift is especially for you if things are not how you would like them to be this Christmas.   There are a lot of reasons why this day may not be “merry and bright” and why it may be more difficult for you. So, if this resonates with you I also want to say….

It is ok. You will be ok

"Christmas doesn’t need to be “perfect”. It will be ok even if it is not.

It’s ok if you don’t have a happy, big family. It’s ok if not everybody is not happy (it is not your job to fix that either by the way, you are not responsible for their joy …. Only yours.

Maybe you are missing precious loved ones and not everyone is together. It will be ok. You will be ok. (even if it doesn’t feel like right now).

It will be ok if the children make a mess or fight. It will be ok, even if there are no children. You will be ok.

It will be ok if your relatives grow horns at Christmas  and turn into wild, shadow teachers who suck out all the Christmas cheer (you are wise and you can know…that is totally their stuff. Not yours) You will be ok!

I know you will be you are ok, because you are the result of love. In fact, thousands of loves came before you. You come from a long line of the love.  It’s a miracle you even exist. You are a miracle and you will be ok

So…. just because there is this ONE DAY that is laden with expectation and zillions of facebook posts – this does not  mean you are any less spectacular. You have got this!  You are made of stardust and that shines brighter than any tinsel. I see you !

love T


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