Blog Articles

The art of  RE-membering

All of us are touched by loss. In fact, one thing we can be sure of is that loss is a certainty. However,  how we make sense of it and grow around it is anything but certain. There are so many ways we make sense of loss.  And before we explore this some more, I think it is useful to be reminded that the amount you love does not need to equal the amount you grieve.

Listening To Your Body

Maybe, now is the time where you decide to practice, I mean really practice, listening to your body.

This is especially important if you are healing an ongoing injury – like a sore back for example. I remember, when I was recovering from my back injury. One of my unhelpful thought patterns was “I’ll just….”

I would use this to do what I wanted to do, rather than, listen to my back. My back always spoke the loudest and I would be crippled with pain.  I’d slowly get better then “I’d just” …. hurt myself.

How to stop Nitpicking Your Body

Before we get into the nitty gritty,  have look at this picture below. Just have a look. What do you see? Is she beautiful? Have a good look and just notice what comes up for you.

The chances are that you used unique language and thought patterns to create meaning about this face. This unique language and thinking generated unique feelings and contributed to your perceptions.

When Christmas Sucks!

A love letter for you this Christmas in case Christmas is less than fun. Part of me wants to wish you all a very merry Christmas and wonderful festive season…

Time For Conversations With Your Teen

Our community has been rocked by tragedy. With a number of youth suicides over the past week. My heart goes out to all the family members and the friends of…


What intentions do you have this month?

It really, is amazing what can happen when you get clear about your intention.

Decluttering: Letting go of what is right to let go of …. now

Did you know that yogi have been talking about decluttering for about 5,000 years?

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