Do you ever wonder if the universe has its own special plan for you and those you love? or if there more to those little coincidences? like signs along your path?

I’ve been pondering it lately, thinking back to a time where things fell into place in a most unexpected way.

It was about five years ago, and my beloved Oma had just suffered a serious stroke. The prognosis from the doctors after the stroke was bleak – she was not expected to live. She couldn’t sit, she couldn’t feel or move her arm properly,  and she couldn’t even swallow. Everything spun for her. Indeed it was as if both our worlds were in a vortex. And life as I knew it went on hold.

Her health and well being became my top priority.  I was by her bedside from first thing in morning until late at night. Interesting things happened on my drives to and from the hospital. Each time I would catch the red light at base of Bank Street.  Beside the red light there was shop and inside the shop, there was a sign. It said….

“Expect Miracles to Happen”

It was exactly what I need to read at the right time. Every time. As if it was written just for me.

It reminded me that I had choices about about how I would  feel that day (or night). On one hand I could listen to the clever and caring medical staff rationale and accept their prognosis or I could let go of these ideas, observe the sign and expect miracles.

It would be wonderful to write that I was able to let go and trust and believe. I didn’t. I listened to the risks and the prognosis and I experienced the feelings that came with putting my focus there. And then I’d be reminded by morning sign “to expect miracles to happen” and the moments I needed it most this sign brought me hope.

Indeed Albert Einstein is famously misquoted as having said “there are only two ways to live your life, one is as if nothing is a miracle, and the other as if everything is”.

So moment after moment I got to practice choosing the miracle. And what made this easier for me was that Oma would say “where there is breath there is hope”

Over those weeks I shifted my focus from noticing her breath and the hope it brought, to witnessing the miracles unfolding in front of me as she recovered.

If you think about it, just breathing and swallowing are amazing miracles. I mean you could do that now. You know …..Pause….take a moment  to notice your breath and the life it brings.

It’s the greatest miracle of  all: Life itself.

So today, just like those days. I am expecting miracles. I think I’ll start with coffee

Swallowing coffee is a very wonderful miracle.

How about you?

What kind of miracles are you expecting to happen?


Ps: If during the day your miracle begins to feel less than fun…. You could simply notice your breath again. And this time with a sense of knowingness that ‘where there is  breath there is hope”


And if you have been thinking about creating change or finding new, more helpful ways to think about your days, your life or maybe a particular event, then, maybe this is a sign for you! Why not email or call for a FREE 15 minute chat and find out how coaching with Tonya can help (021) 056 4954.


Create yourself a miraculous day

t x


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